Disaster Response

President Judy Groff did a tag team as the Toastmaster with intense, "disastrous" transitions as her husband Don reinforced her theme with six solid table topics. These covered the gamut from California wildfires to school shootings to natural gas explosions to the elections.

Hoyt as joke master gave an innovative way to have all the family there for Thanksgiving.  (You had to be there.)

Margaret Davis gave "The ABC's of Maple Syrup."  Being from Vermont, she explained the content of presentations she and her husband give in the area to boost sales of her authentic maple syrup products from Vermont.  She exposed some of the imposter products that masquerade as Maple.  She demonstrated how up to two taps are put on the trees.  Margaret said the Sugar Maple may live and "work" for 300-400 years.  A tree of just 30-40 years was too young to tap.  She also showed some of the intensity or robust range in different bottles captured in the three month tapping season. This was her Evaluation and Feedback project in Pathways with Jeanne Resen as her evaluator.

Susann Swan spoke on "Ya Just Know."  We got to know that she just retired from a career in crunching numbers for government grants in Virginia. On a pension, she wanted a more affordable community than near Washington, D.C.  When it was time to retire, "ya just know."  She has rescued her third collie, and she found our area dog friendly, and "ya just know" this area would be the one.  Susann displayed a beautiful shawl she had woven and a spun hat, and our area has a big guild of weavers.  "Ya just know" is what she had our audience chanting when it was clear she needed to relocate to our area that has a vibrant Toastmaster Club.  This was also her Evaluation and Feedback project in Pathways with Karen Alexander as her evaluator.

Table topics were spoken by Don E., Betty, Sally, Brad, Amy, and Stan.  These were not evaluated, but one striking example of how an impromptu was done effectively was based on this prompt:  "What's a situation you thought could be disastrous that actually resulted in something good?"  Amy set this up by saying at one time she had been a single mom with four children.  She was busy trying to teach piano to support them all.  Then she was offered an opportunity to become an online marketing consultant.  She learned the skills necessary to make this into a thriving business.  Amy told the story that nailed her table topic.

The eyes and ears team was composed of the following: Amy, Grammarian; Word Master- Brad; Ah Counter- Stan; Timer- Michael Thompson.  A general evaluation was done by Don E. and Melinda.

Attending were the following:  Hoyt Griffith, Jeanne Resen, Margaret Davis, Melinda Lowrance, Susann Swan, Sally Jones, Karen Alexander, Betty McCallister, Judy and Don Groff, Amy Sahf, Michael Thompson, Brad Dienst, Stan Coss, Don Emon, and Peter Baumgarten.

President Judy spoke of the successful lunch and learn program conducted last week at Pardee with about 20 participants.  Peter, the Division Director, gave some glows on the meeting and reminded members of the only TLI scheduled in the whole state until next July.  It will be in Concord on December 1.

And, speaking of disaster response, Melinda presented a thank-you letter from Interfaith Assistance Ministry for the $100 total FSTM contributed.  The club's $50 had been matched by individual members. IAM provides emergency relief with clothing, food, utilities, etc. to directly impact the lives of 8,765 people in need.  IAM had graciously provided a great space for the club's speech contest in October.

Karen evaluates, Judy presides, and the super-sized word of the day is certain to be resilient.


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