Illumination on Careers and Pathways

Carol Walters, President and Toastmaster started the meeting welcoming three  guests. Don Ammons, Julia Bird and Margaret from Vermont. They  have all been previous Toastmaster members and are checking us out. Carol said her theme for the meeting is Careers: Highs/ Lows/ and Humorous. 

Exciting new business was our new member induction by Betty McCallister, VP Membership. We were pleased to induct four new members today: Stanley Yurth, Michael Thompson, John Glover, and Amy Sahf. These new members are adding new energy into our club.

Nathan Garnett showed us his stuff as Joke Master. He did a stand up comedy routine for us. It was funny and clearly his stuff. Carol introduced the Eyes and Ears Team of Don Groff, Grammarian and Word Master; Stanley Yurth, Ah Counter; Hoyt Griffith, Timer.

Speaker #1 was Don Glovan. He did a follow-up to his previous speech incorporating suggestions coming from the evaluation of his first speech. We remembered how he introduced us to his love of drag racing and this time he included how he got hooked on the sport. Stan Coss evaluated Don’s speech and said he met his objective of improving the speech.

Speaker #2 was Judy Groff. Her speech was from the Interpretive Reading Advanced Manual and was a short play with only two characters called Barmitzva Boy. Judy had to use distinctly different voices and gestures to establish the characters of Samuel and Stacie. Jeanne Resen evaluated Judy’s speech and said Judy did covey the two characters but the distinction wavered towards the end. Another grow for Judy was to use less motion for the dancing. Jeanne said she loved the ending gestures and softening of the characters.

Karla Reese did Table Topics around the theme of Careers. She had a question about worst job, favorite boss, best job, and what would be a good suggestion for hours worked. All respondents of Don Glovan, Hoyt Griffith, Julia Bird and Betty McCallister offered good responses.

Betty McCallister’s General Evaluation was short but complete. She ended by asking Judy Groff, incoming President, to present a gift and card to Carol for her excellent leadership of the club last year. We gave Carol a Gift Card from Starbucks Coffee. Judy then announced that since next week is July 4th holiday, our next meeting will be July 11.

New members are  inducted today in the process of reading the Toastmaster Pledge:
L to R are Stanley Yurth, Micheal Thompson, John Glover, and Amy Sahf.

Don Glovan demonstrated one key benefit of the new Pathways.  It is mandatory to get feedback to a speech and revise it.  This is one sure way to learn and apply from speech-making.


  1. Welcome all our new members! You are bringing new energy, ideas, and enthusiasm. I love it!


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