Addressing Opposing Viewpoints (CONTROVERSY!!)

After the officer induction, Toastmaster Stan Coss began on the theme of CONTROVERSY. Hoyt Griffith, Word Master, chose the word of the day in sync with this theme to be “imbroglio” (imˈbrōlyō) embroilment, trouble.

President Carol Walters welcomed two guests. We were all delighted to meet Amy Sahf and John Glover. John has been previously. So delighted to have them join us!

Betty McCallister, Membership VP, conducted installation of the new officers for 2018-19. The year begins July 1 and ends June 30, 2019. The officers installed were all present: Sergeant at Arms, Melinda Lowrance; Treasurer, Stan Coss; Secretary, Nathan Garnett; VP Public Relations, Karla Reese; VP Membership, Jeanne Resen; VP Education, Sally Jones; President, Judy Groff. Judy mentioned that the first order of business for the new year would be a team building/ get acquainted gathering at her home on Saturday, June 23 from 4:00-7:00 PM. All members and officers are invited to hold the date. Next week Judy said she  will have details of what everybody can choose to bring.  This celebration will be featured with those of the past at

After Sally Jones loosened us up with her joke of the day, Stan introduced the Eyes and Ears Team. Today’s group included Grammarian, Jeanne Resen; Ah Counter, Melinda Lowrance, with Stanley Yurth shadowing; Timer, Nathan Garnett, with Michael Thompson shadowing. 

Brad Dienst gave a speech entitled “Your Three Pound Universe”. Brad enlightened us with a recounting of the wonders of the brain and neurology.  He referenced his material to include "mental flossing” some in the audience were aware of. We were all intrigued.

Don Groff conducted Table Topics around the theme of controversy. He used a Point / Counter Point  format. Unlike usual table topics, he asked respondents to not pivot but speak directly to their prompt. In each case they had to defend the position given them by the prompt. On the Singapore Summit, Ron Climer had the positive side and Jeanne Resen took the negative position. On the topic of teachers being armed with guns, Hoyt spoke in favor and Karla spoke against. On the question of paying college athletes, Nathan spoke in favor and Melinda spoke against.

Betty gave an evaluation of Brad's speech, and Judy gave a general evaluation to include a table topics evaluation. Stan invited John and Amy to offer their thoughts about the meeting. After Sally pinned down some roles for next week, the meeting was adjourned. 

There was NO controversy on accepting membership applications from Michael Thompson, Amy Sahf, and John Glover.  Our membership is now at 19 with one more to go to be at "distinguished" status.

The inducted officers are named in the correct order above.  A special treat was the homecoming of Ron Climer.  We've been missing his exuberant speaking, humor, and overall personality for about two months; so we welcome his being present and his being pressed into service as a speaker next week.


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