"Anything Goes!"

Judy Groff, Toastmaster, put the word out early that “Anything Goes” would be the theme for the meeting. We had deviations of style in several areas. Our guest from last week, Michael Thompson, came back! 

After the opening pledge by Sergeant at Arms, Don Groff, Carol Walters, President, launched us into the meeting by introducing Toastmaster Judy Groff. Sally Jones was Joke Master with a good golf joke. 

The Eyes and Ears team were the following: Grammarian, Karla Reese; Word Master, Brad Dienst; Timer, Don Groff; Ah Counter, Nathan Garnett.

Speaker 1, Don Glovan, gave us another Icebreaker speech. He explained that we will all do an Icebreaker when we start Pathways. He gave us more insight into how he got into plumbing starting with a summer job that went on and on, from managing to owning to the present consulting. He spent most of his time telling us about his wife and family. The grandparenting role is front and center these days.

Speaker 2, Hoyt Griffith, did project #2 from the Public Relations Advanced Communications Manual. He simulated a radio talk show with the help of Stan Coss as Talk Show host. Hoyt played the role of guest speaker representing an organization he was trying to project in a positive light. He informed us extemporaneously about WCCR, which is a club in Tryon that listens to and learns about classic radio shows from the 1930’s and 1940’s before television went mainstream. 

Betty McCallister had requested us to write a secret from our past on a note card. She put these cards in a box as prompts for the table topics participants. Karla was most convincing with her rendition of who the secret belonged to and why. Most everybody was stumped with their prompt. 

In the General Evaluation, Stan offered some grows for all of us. He suggested using the “secrets” idea again for Table Topics, but with directions to convince the audience spinning a “tall tale” of why the secret belonged to whomever they chose, much like Karla did in her response. 

Next week's meeting will be a practice run for the workshop on June 7th.  There will be three speakers and break-out sessions and table topics.  Take it all in, learn, and give feedback.  We want to be ready for the Chamber event to put forth our best presentation possible.

Melinda Lowrance hears the prompt from Betty McCallister's collection.  Melinda is to hear of some one's secret, try to determine who wrote it, and then explain how she came to that conclusion.


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