April Fool's Pranks

Hoyt Griffith, Toastmaster chose “April Fools” as the theme. Throughout the meeting, Hoyt sprinkled interesting facts about April Fools Day pranks. We learned that the practice goes back as far as Chaucer. We learned some easy and tame pranks to do this year. He also informed us about a few corporate pranks that have captured attention. As Word Master, Don Groff, picked “pharsophobia” as our word of the day. This means fear of pranks. 

Brad Deinst’s joke was something of a prank as well. He had 3 volunteers help from the audience who were not in on the joke!

Other members of the Eyes and Ears Team were Nathan Garnett as Grammarian, Jeanne Resen as Ah Counter, and Don Glovan as Timer.

Judy Groff did her speech, “Finding my Voice,” that she will do in the Area Contest for the second time. Sally Jones started her evaluation then Hoyt opened the floor for others to pass along evaluative feedback to Judy. 

Jackie Branscum also conducted Table Topics around the “April Fools” theme. Karla Reese, Jeanne Resen, Sally Jones, Melinda Lowrance and Judy Groff all responded to prompts focused on the theme.

Stan Coss concluded the meeting with a General Evaluation covering all facets of the meeting. 


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