A Look from a Differing Perspective

Betty McCallister was Toastmaster for our March 7 meeting. The theme she chose was “Looking at things from a different perspective.” Area Director Ed McGowan was special guest.

After the opening pledge and comments from President Carol Walters, Toastmaster Betty introduced Ed McGowan to bring remarks from the Area. He reminded us all that dues are due March 31. We need more new members. The other important date he highlighted was the Area Speech Contest to be held at Habitat for Humanity in Asheville on April 7. He also encouraged us to register for the District 37 Conference in Charlotte May 4-6. He said there is an opportunity for the club to sponsor a basket to be auctioned in the Silent Auction as a fundraiser. He said this is a great way to promote our town.

Hoyt Griffith told a couple of very humorous jokes involving dogs. The Eyes and Ears Team were the following: Grammarian/ Word Master, Ivan Beggs; Ah Counter, Nathan Garnett, Timer, Sally Jones. The word of the day was Paradigm.

Don Groff gave his first speech from the new Pathways Program. He is the first regular member to do his Icebreaker. Melinda did her Icebreaker also from Pathways last month as a new member.

Judy Groff did Table Topics. All the prompts were random. Stan Coss evaluated Don’s speech from the evaluation form he printed from the Pathways curriculum. It was noted that when we use Pathways, in getting credit for doing the speech, each speaker has the option of scanning the evaluation back into Pathways. This is a big shift but does allow additional feedback from members following the speech. 

Jackie Branscum followed the Eyes and Ear Team reports with her general evaluation of the meeting. 

President Carol concluded the meeting after mentioning that on April 4, we will have a big recognition celebration for several members who have received awards in the past several months.


Area Director Ed McGowan paid a visit to enlighten and edify members.  Melinda and Ron show eagerness to sign up for remaining roles for March.  Toastmaster Betty has Ivan show his paradigm.  Nathan explores March Madness, and Don #1 reviews his experience developing a small home.


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