Opening up Summer in a Pandemic

Dull as dishwater, humdrum, run-of-the-mill, mundane, commonplace, routine,  dry as dust, lackluster, lifeless, drab, colorless, dullsville:  all of these describe Hoyt Griffith's word of the day, "jejune."  None of them describe today's meeting.  Blanca Sanchez and Susann Swan shared the Toastmastering role.  Don Glovan was joke master.

"Women in Power" was the title of Jeanne Resen's speech which completed her level four in Pathways, the Presentation Mastery.  Jeanne recounted the timeline of some significant achievements of women.One little known fact was that in Wyoming in 1869, women were given the right to vote.  In 1890, when Wyoming was admitted into the Union, that continued suffrage was demanded, which was 30 years before women in the rest of the states won that right.  Jeanne mentioned various female heads of state from the past to the present, including an expected female running mate to Biden, concluding, "You've come a long way, baby."  Jeanne was evaluated by Karen Alexander.

Karen as VPE recognized member accomplishments: Hoyt Griffith, Bronze in Communication; Judy Groff, Silver in Communication; Stan Coss, Bronze in Leadership; Susann Swan, Level Three in the Visionary Pathway; Jeanne Resen, Level Four in the Presentation Mastery.  The Legacy program ends June 30th except for the Silver in Leadership and DTM which have been extended for up to a year due to the pandemic.

Stan Coss as TTM gave prompts related to opening the summer with the pandemic.  Seven members responded: Sally Jones, Melinda Lowrance, Hoyt Griffith, Don Groff, Betty McCallister, Ray Daley, and Don Glovan.

The Eyes and Ears Team give the reports:  Sally as Grammarian; Ray as Ah-Counter, noting 20 fillers mostly in the uh and um category.  Judy Groff was the TTE and GE.

Those in attendance were the following:  Karen Alexander,  Stan Coss,  Ray Daley, Don Glovan,  Hoyt Griffith, Don Groff, Judy Groff,  Sally Jones, Melinda Lowrance, Betty McCallister, ,  Jeanne Resen, Blanca Sanchez, and Susann Swan.


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