North Carolina!

Toastmaster Jeanne Resen, with her theme of North Carolina, touched on a number of the state's highlights.  Yes, waterfalls like at Dupont was one of them, and that was dealt with in more detail in one of the main speeches.  Sally Jones was the Joke Master.

A new-member induction was run by VPE Karen Alexander to make Ray Daley and Blanca Sanchez officially accepted into the fold.

Judy Groff spoke on "Unforgettable Mr. Colbertson" in her speech of effective coaching as a process of mentoring.  She said this dignified Southern gentleman set a high standard for mentoring.  He began in helping her find  a place to live 48 years ago in neighboring Polk County.  Her job was to be with Cooperative Extension as a 4-H agent.  Judy discovered the need for a 4-H club in Tryon, and Mr. Colbertson listened to her plan and advised her to seek out Della Jackson, a leader in the black community.  Judy's evaluator was Melinda Lowrance.

Karen Alexander spoke on her own take on Adventure.  Her favorites included going skydiving with six of her friends, checking out waterfalls like at Dupont State Forest, and experiencing a waterfall in a mountain with her daughter and son-in-law.  This waterfall above was part of an adventure accessed through a side trip on a cruise ship.  Karen encouraged her audience to take their own adventures.  She used the share screen to show her power point of images and transport her audience members to each of these locations.  She credited assistance by Susann in making the presentation go so smoothly.  Stan Coss was her evaluator.

The Table Topics Master was Hoyt Griffith.  He practiced well the word of the day from Don Groff, resilience.  When Hoyt lost his internet connection, he hard-wired his computer directly using an ethernet cord.

We learned of two recent celebrities in our midst:

1) Sally Jones had just been interviewed by our guest and speaker two weeks ago from India, Raj (Prithivaraj Saminathan).  His Youtube channel is the first link below, and Sally's interview is the second link:     ;

2) Melinda Lowrance and her husband Jim live in an historic establishment that was featured in the Green Book in 1960, a sort of inn that Hank Aaron stayed in.

This collage above features our Jamaican guest on the far left and our Rotarian guest on the top right.  Dick Miley has a virtual background of an event he'll expand on for his ice-breaker in June: cycling.

Hopefully, we will be able to gather in person before too very long, as Karen's mountain waterfall group did here.

The Eyes and Ears Team gave their reports: Ray Daley as grammarian; Stan Coss as ah-counter; Don Glovan as timer.

Members attending were the following: Karen Alexander, Stan Coss,  Ray Daley, Don Glovan, Hoyt Griffith, Don Groff, Judy Groff,  Sally Jones,  Melinda Lowrance, Betty McCallister, Danielle Messer,  Jeanne Resen, Blanca Sanchez, Susann Swan.  Guests were Jallee from Jamaica and Dick Miley from Rotary.


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