Shared Challenges!

Fifteen Toastmasters shared in this second Zoom.  Not all had tuned in for the start of the pledge, but by the time the flag had  been unfurled, all were ready for Judy Groff to start the fireworks.

Adding professional flair to the whole operation was Don Glovan from his green screen studio.  Especially helpful were his timing cards clearly visible to all.  Those on smart phones may still be unable to see anyone but themselves.  But it is quite a social gathering for those using the gallery.

Grant Guffey gave his ice-breaker that told of his challenges from an early age in public speaking.  He imagined Toastmasters would mean an old wood-paneled room with musty smells and said he was pleasantly surprised to find an inviting environment to practice before members that were encouraging and representing all walks of life.  Danielle was his evaluator.

Ron Climer told in his speech of all the challenges he'd faced, challenges from which he'd learned a lot.  As a realtor he'd learned to cope with interest rates at 18% in the 1980's.  He addressed Grant in his speech three different times to amplify lessons in sales.  One was a "$100,000" lesson.  Ron told of "free seminars," too, the lessons he learned form his clients.

  A phrase Ron used that resonated with several members was this:  When a student is ready, a teacher will appear.  Evaluator Jeanne Resen gave plenty of glows, but for a grow she said she missed what Ron is especially able to deliver: humor.

Ron Climer had recently returned from Florida and Ray Daley had recently left for Florida to be with his daughter who is soon to graduate from college, like all other students confined to being online.

Sally Jones stepped in as Table Topics Master by asking challenges members had faced.

Table topics revealed challenges like Ray's daughter staying positive, Blanca Sanchez's working from home, Danielle's  knowing Jesus Christ had a reason for all this, and Hoyt (Griffith!) staying up all night as a reluctant student of Latin, cramming in vocabulary to edge out of the exam with a "C" average.  He regretted not using "nostrum," his word of the day, because he has realized that procrastination is not a cure-all.

Judy Groff, with her husband Don, said it was "fun to go into the living rooms" of everyone, that the challenge was creating new skills in everyone.  Betty McCallister was grammarian and Susann Swan was GE and Table Topics Evaluator.  Susann asked that all meet the challenge of looking on line and signing up for roles.

Don and Judy both did a super job at the Zoom Division Contest on April 4th.  There were some 50 Toastmasters in attendance. 

Members attending the April 3rd meeting were the following:  Ron Climer, Stan Coss,  Ray Daley, Don Glovan,  Hoyt Griffith, Don Groff, Judy Groff, Grant Guffey, Sally Jones,  Melinda Lowrance, Betty McCallister, Danielle Messer,  Jeanne Resen, Blanca Sanchez, and Susann Swan.


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