5-4-3-2-1. All Systems Go. Prepare for Take-Off!


Toastmaster Susann Swan chose the theme of the new year, as it would be a new season for doing things.  She also acted as the Joke Master.  Sally Jones gave the word of the day, very appropriately as "experiment," as zoom was quite an experiment for many participants.

Judy Groff presented her contest speech in the same format as this is to be delivered for the Division contest on April 4th.  All contestants will be Zoomed.  Judy topic was on managing MS.  Karen Alexander led the round robin evaluation that allowed several members to give their glows and grows.  Ron Climer was one giving valued comments that had not been heard from since last year, as he'd been away in Florida the past season. 

Table Topics Master Karen Alexander had prompts on the New Year's theme.  Responders were Hoyt Griffith, Danielle Messer, and Brad Dienst.

The timer role was done with special flourish by Don Glovan who is pro when it comes to the Zoom.  Don used a green screen that projected a studio lit with small lights in his virtual background.  When a speaker reached the minimum time that studio became green.  At the midway point this became yellow, and then at the maximum time this came red.  Stan Coss gave comments as grammarian.

Jeanne Resen was Table Topics Evaluator and GE.  She expressed great satisfaction with the "experiment" of Zoom and the great turnout for this inaugural run.  She voiced the need to continue to experiment with the functions of this novel medium for Toastmaster meetings.   Muting was one method to be perfected as one speaker was speaking.  Members were also advised to show attentiveness as movements could be distracting.

 President Susann emailed afterwards that all did a great job.  "Fourteen people attended in all.  A big congratulations to those of you who may not work with technology very often and were able to attend our first virtual meeting and participate as well. . . . To our Pardee employee members:  we keep you in our thoughts as you help protect our health."

Members attending were the following:  Karen Alexander, Ron Climer, Stan Coss,  Brad Dienst, Don Glovan,  Hoyt Griffith, Don Groff, Judy Groff,  Sally Jones, Carole Kitchen, Betty McCallister, Danielle Messer,  Jeanne Resen, and Susann Swan.


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