Snow Cancels Meeting but NOT the Area Contest

FSTM had three audience members, some filling roles, at the Area Contest at Habitat for Humanity in Asheville on Saturday, February 22:  Karen Alexander, Susann Swan, and Ray Daley.  Our club also had three contestants.  Above is Judy Groff, who won second place in the International Speech Contest.

Above Don Groff wins second place in the Table Topics Contest, surrounded on his right by Area Director Bryan Smith and "Quality Control" Director Michael Beach.  Below, Stan Coss is part of the same sandwich.  Stan won first in the International Speech and Table Topics in representing another club, Ridgefield.  He was a bit tied up to represent FSTM, as he was contest master of our speech contest February 7th.

Make plans to join us at the April 4th, Saturday contest for 8:00 to 12:00.   There should be a carpool to make the trek to the Morganton event.  The area's top two finalists in each event are invited to compete in the division contest, so all three of our club members may enter into the competition along with finalists from the other three areas


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