Let's Be in the Parade!

In reverse order, the mysterious woman in black had returned from an African safari and shared a great story about being faced with a tremendous bull elephant. Fortunately, her small but spirited tour guide intervened and allowed Jeanne Resen to survive and come share her experience. Karen Alexander was Jeanne's evaluator.
Josh Gravley was unable to share but a minute of his speech before he was overcome by his bout with the flu. (He was in great form by the next Friday at the contest and will be reviewed in next week's blog.)
Just as Wendy gave transitions on the parade, the parade itself gave opportunity to move among the swarms of bystanders and hand out candy and flyers about the open house.
Table Topics Master Sally Jones supported the parade theme just as she supported her husband Jim riding shotgun and stepping out as the floats would come to a stop. The eyes and ears team consisted of Hoyt Griffith, as word master (float), Judy Groff as grammarian, Danielle Messer as Timer, and Don Groff as ah-counter. Caitlin Owens was General and Table Topics Evaluator.
Directly after the parade, the Groff's hosted a potluck in their warm, festive home. Former member Don Emon and his wife were special guests.
An executive meeting was held directly afterwards with President Susann Swan presiding. Last minute arrangements were covered for the impending parade, with candy, decorating, meeting times at the fire department, and other details. Susann gave board members a print-out of the current progress on Pathways.
Karen immediately called on Caitlin to give her second speech in Pathways for the upcoming open house and she agreed. Mention was made of the upcoming contest the first of February for the International Speech and Table Topics Contest that Stan needs to start planning for.
Executive Officers in attendance were Karen, Stan, Don Groff, Judy Groff (ex. officio), Melinda, Caitlin, and Susann.
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