Summer Fun!

People were clearly anxious to get together for some summer fun at Toastmasters.  After the July 4th Holiday and the previous two weeks of a sizable number being out on vacation, this week was the biggest attendance ever at 23.

It was President Susann Swan's first meeting to preside over and Joseph Girmann's first meeting to be Toastmaster.  Joke Master Caitlin Owens started off the real fun with some pet humor.

Vicky Balson gave the always fun ice-breaker, speaking on dreams, goals, and legacies.  She related how her mission field had evolved in her home-schooling her seven kids and how she had been supported by her employer at United Community Bank to leave her comfort zone and become a Toastmaster.

More serious were the speeches from two advanced Toastmasters.  Jeanne Resen on her Pathway addressed mentoring, specifically comparing a coach with a mentor.  She explained that the four qualities of a successful mentor were knowledge, support, respect, and commitment.  Jeanne gave an illustration of how this came into play while becoming a stage manager of a musical play.

Karen Alexander gave her mentoring moment on "The Right Stuff," the roles and responsibilities of a typical Toastmaster meeting.  She referenced how various speakers in today's meeting had performed their roles well.

Mary Beth Dallman, as a true mentor for  those needing power point slides, advised that future speakers needing such visuals could email her their slides so that she could have them loaded on Pardee's computer for projection and then use the hospital's remote to advance the slides.

It's no fun facing complications with technology!

The best visualizations for speakers, though, are normally produced with voiced words and fluent gestures, and this is put to a real test with table topics.

Melinda confidently took on an impromptu prompt.  Table Topics Master Susann had Sally Jones and Guest Stephanie Koulet also do their take as first responders.  Joseph relinquished  the floor to Betty McCallister for her evaluation of Jeanne. The speech evaluator for Vicky was Judy Groff.

Karla Reese was the General Evaluator and Table Topics Evaluator.  The eyes and ears team had Carole Kitchen as Grammarian, Hoyt Griffith as Ah-Counter, Randy Dunn as Word Master (lauguid and languish), and Molly Garnett as Timer.

Greeter Danielle Messer by the outsider banner was kept especially busy greeting attendees.  In attendance were the following 20 members:  Karen Alexander, Stan Coss, Vicky Balson, Mary Beth Dallman, Randy Dunn, Don Emon, Molly Garnett, Joseph Girmann, Hoyt Griffith, Don Groff, Judy Groff, Sally Jones, Carole Kitchen, Betty McCallister, Danielle Messer, Caitlin Owens, Karla Reese, Susann Swan, Melinda Lowrance, and Jeanne Resen.
Guests were the following:  Stephanie Koulert, Lisa Konlin, and Wendy Whitaker.

Madame President Susann Swan presided over an officers' meeting directly afterwards. 

 The quick stand-up meetings of the past had to be laid to rest, at least temporarily, 
as Susann had broken her toe.  Paperwork was transferred to the new treasurer, Don Groff, 
and Melinda was to restock needed supplies.  The agenda for the Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) was passed out.  All members are invited, but at least four officers are to attend for club credit.  One expressed hope was that this TLI could train members to lessen the "angst" 
in using Pathways.


  1. Stan Coss is putting out the plea for someone to take his job. He will be out next Friday on a "summer fun" vacation and needs someone to take notes. These do NOT have to be elaborate. There are two directions Stan as secretary will take: 1) for some meetings he will simply update the agenda and report all attendees and especially the guests, like the minutes most other clubs stick to; 2) for some meetings he will go all out with photos and storytelling.
    Is there a volunteer that could please take over his role at the next meeting? The minutes could be emailed so that next Friday or Saturday he could put these on the blog. The first member to step up to do this will be noted in a comment below.
    Thanks ahead of time. (Your reporter in third person, Stan Coss.)

  2. We have a volunteer-- "I can take notes for the meeting next week." Thanks, Carole!


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