A Standing Ovation

Toastmaster Randy Dunn received a standing ovation 
for his stirring rendition of "Food, Glorious Food!" 

Three main courses were served up during the meeting: speaking, listening, and thinking.  Word Master Don Groff introduced "Gluttony,"  and Joke Master Melinda Lowrance overindulged everyone with the opportunity for laughter.

Judy Groff spoke on "Everyday Leadership."  She shared three episodes from her leadership experience.  The first dealt with designing a curriculum of leadership for ambassadors of Cooperative Extension. Next was her vision of making the big move from Lake Pointe to Pardee,  a move that required a partnership with Karla Reese and Mary Beth Dallman, and slow but sure moves until the membership came on board.  Judy's final  passage on leadership styles noted her Myers Briggs test and embraced team players that filled in the gaps.  This was from the Pathways project on Leadership Styles.

Joseph Girmann spoke on the two communication styles that remained from his last speech.  The type three was the fiery type like the stereotypical football coach with a big heart and tactile nature.  Teddy Roosevelt and Oprah Winfrey would be specific people in this category.   At best this would be dynamic and confident.  At worse would be explosive anger.  The type four would be like a Steve Jobs.

Table Topics Master Mary Beth Dallman had a grab bag of foods for Stan Coss, Hoyt Griffith, Wendy Whitaker, and Bryan Smith to expound upon.  Toastmaster and Chef Randy Dunn clearly was in his element in making his transitions with food.

Don Emon was Judy's evaluator and Betty McCallister was Joseph's.  Hoyt Griffith was grammarian, Sally Jones was ah-counter, and Jeanne Resen was timer.  Karen Alexander was general evaluator and table topics evaluator.

Karen Alexander discusses the TLI with the new area director, Bryan Smith, who was on an "unofficial" visit.

In attendance were the following:  Karen Alexander, Stan Coss, Vicky Balson, Mary Beth Dallman, Randy Dunn, Don Emon, Joseph Girmann, Hoyt Griffith, Don Groff, Judy Groff, Sally Jones, Betty McCallister, Danielle Messer, Melinda Lowrance, and Jeanne Resen.
Guests were the following:  Wendy Whitaker and Bryan Smith.


  1. Randy, that was awesome. I will copy it at some time and give you credit. Thank You!!


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