Beat the Heat & Induction

Table Topics Master Betty McCallister prompted speakers with a wide range of topics. A summer memory that you would like to forget gave Karla cause to pivot and speak on a great memory of being 14 and traveling with her family to California from Ohio. Having any superpower, Carole turned back time to speak with her parents and grandparents to learn more about family history and recipes.  On the nicest thing that someone has ever said to her, Vicky recalled words of encouragement from people telling her how she had impacted them.

Toastmaster Don Glovan talked about beating the heat theme with his home air conditioning going out. Joke Master Hoyt spoke about bad jokes and groans reported in a newspaper.

Interim President Jeanne Resen conducted the induction of new members: Mary Beth Dallman, Danielle Messer, Carole Kitchen, and Molly Garnett.

Don's speech was about improving and understanding love. He had the audience write their definitions of love, gave his definition of love, and proceeded to explain the terms in his definition.
Jeanne complimented his selection of the topic, his audience involvement, good eye contact.  She suggested telling us what you’re going to tell us, and recommended that he practice timing his speech to help the audience focus more on his points.

Stan’s speech, Order out of Chaos, spoke about the world coming into order from chaos and segued into organizing a Toastmasters’ speech, the thesis, transitions, how to get the audience’s attention, and making points with stories. Karen praised his much needed topic and content. She encouraged him to stay within the time limits by practicing with a timer and practicing with the remote.

The eyes and ears team gave their reports: Wordmaster, "Roast, "Molly Garnett; Grammarian,  Caitlin Owens; Ah Counter, Karla Reese; Timer,  Randy Dunn.

Mary Beth gave the general evaluation of the meeting.  She spoke about people’s use of stories to capture the audience’s attention. She mentioned how well Don Emon tied into the audience.  She commented on how to do backup when there are technical difficulties with the remote. She spoke about the creativity of the table topics speakers.

Members Present: Caitlin Owen, Carole Kitchen, Stan Coss, Betty McAllister, Susann Swan, Danielle Messer, Randy Dunn, Karen Alexander, Vicky Balson, Mary Beth Dallman, Jeanne Resen, Carole Kitchen, Molly Garnett, Don glovan, Don Emon, Hoyt Griffith, Karla Reese
Guests: Deanne Emon, Jalyn Witherspoon,.


  1. Mind you, these are not apologies or excuses in the speech itself, as that is not what Toastmasters do. These are suggestions on giving a power point that I should have followed. My speech did not bring order out of chaos because I'd not managed time well. I was tweaking slides at home until 7:00 AM. I should have arrived a good 15-20 minutes early and positioned the lectern properly and practiced some with the remote on location.
    The orientation room is a great location and has great equipment. Bring your own laptop and hook it up with the cords provided so that the overhead projector fills the screen. Position the lectern so that you can see the laptop slides without having to look at the screen. There can still be some room to move a bit and give gestures, too, between the lectern and the screen.
    Don't prepare content well and overlook the need to practice delivery in the room itself, as I did; then you can smoothly bring order and avoid chaotic distractions.


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