Teaching and Teachers

Toastmaster Stan Coss, based on Judy Groff's aim to educate new members, conducted the meeting by having role-takers sum up their roles, beginning with his as Toastmaster.  Word master Ron Climer followed with his word of the day (tutelage); grammarian, Amy Sahf; ah counter, Michael Thompson; timer, Sally Jones. Joke Master Hoyt Griffith gave advice about how to create jokes and sources for  inspiration and segued into a dog joke.

Stan gave Jeanne's introduction that included her objectives for the icebreaker speech, titled “Who Am I?” She described her family statistics and showed the audience the three books that
she has written. She also showed the audience one of her paintings.

Stan introduced Susann Swan who explained the role of the table topics master.  Her responders were the following: Don Groff revealing his favorite teacher and coach; Amy Sahf, describing the music classes that she used to teach at Blue Ridge Community College and the sales class she would teach there today, if given the choice; Don E. described his two brother and sister rescue dogs and how the names he and Deanne gave them unknowingly names matched the names of the dogs’ prior owners;
Michael told the audience what he has learned from being in Toastmasters; Judy gave us advice about how not to sweat the small stuff.

Don Emon outlined the role of the evaluator to our new members and transitioned into his evaluation of Jeanne’s speech.  One recognized constructive and encouraging way is the "sandwich" technique: start with a glow of one or two elements well done, have a grow of one or two elements that could be improved, and then end with a glow of another one or two elements well done.

Table Topics Evaluator Betty explained the role to the group and then gave her feedback on the speakers.

The eyes and ears team summed up its reports: Ron gave usage of tutelage; Amy praised some turns of a phrase; Michael noted the difficulty of being ah-counter when engrossed in listening to a speech; Sally gave the timer’s report.

Judy gave the general evaluation of the meeting, mainly by evaluating what had not been evaluated.  She did compliment the teaching and learning that was in progress and invited members and guests to an orientation session in the hospital cafeteria.

Members Present: Judy Groff, Don Groff, Don Emon, Jeanne Resen, Caitlin Owens, Ron
Climer,  Michael Thompson, Joseph Girmann, Hoyt Griffith, Sally Jones, Amy Sahf, Karla Reese, Karen Alexander, Stan Coss.
Guests: Randy Dunn, Mary Beth Dallman, Carol Kitchen.

Seventeen audience members gathered comfortably around these tables today.


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