Our Pardee Debut

Despite construction delays in traffic for members along Highway 191and adjusting to a new location, the Four Seasons Toastmaster meeting began on time at 8 am at our new location in the video conference room at Pardee Hospital.

Stan Coss convened the meeting for a few minutes before Toastmaster Judy Groff arrived. Judy spoke
about today’s theme: Taxes. She described different types of taxes, such as: income, sales, luxury,
excise, vehicle, and inheritance. She also mentioned celebrities with tax fraud problems naming Al
Capone, Pete Rose, Willie Nelson, O.J. Simpson, and M.C. Hammer.  Joke Master Jeanne told a tax joke, in keeping with the theme, about a goldfish granting the finder a villa.

Judy introduced Speaker #1, Ron Climer. Ron presented the speech, “Some Things I’ve Learned,” which he will be delivering in the District speech contest on April 6 in Asheville.

Joseph gave his icebreaker speech, describing the phases of his life, his military experience, real estate ventures, and spirituality.

Michael served as Table Topics Master. He brought a bowl of fortune cookies for people to select to do table topics:
Sally Jones: You make the most of every situation: She described changes in her life, including her
husband’s impending retirement.  (You can tell she was anxious to make the most of this TT.)
Newcomer Caitlin Owens: Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Caitlin described coordinating
a fundraising event for an organization she supported. She believed that everything worked out for the best because she had prepared for the worst.
Susann: Your life is a daring and bold adventure. She spoke of finding a poster of western NC in her 20's and, decades later, moving to this area.

Betty evaluated Ron’s speech. She complimented how Ron described how he reached his goals, his
humor, and praised his tying the speech to Toastmasters.
Stan evaluated Joseph’s icebreaker speech. He acknowledged Joseph telling us there would be 3 topics and showed contrasts in each of them. For a grow, he suggested wider eye contact, being careful about changing the order of topics during the speech. Stan noted that spiritual and political topics are not banned from Toastmasters, but care must be given to not preaching a specific orientation.

Brad summarized the ahs and ums.  Hoyt: commented that he didn’t hear grammar mistakes and praised phrases used by Ron, Joseph, and Caitlin.

Melinda provided the General and Table Topics Evaluation. She praised the highlights of Ron’s speech and the moral concepts it contained. She lauded Joseph’s enthusiasm. Melinda noted how novel Michael’s approach was to use fortune cookies for table topics.

Judy asked for feedback from Cindy about her experience watching the meeting remotely. She asked
the newcomers for feedback as well.

Members present: Ron Climer, Susann Swan, Joseph Girmann, Stan Coss, Judy Groff, Hoyt Griffith, Amy Sahf, Melinda Lowrance, Betty McCallister, Michael Thompson, Sally Jones, Don Groff, and Brad Dienst.

Welcome to our two new members: Vicki Balson and Caitlin Owens
Guests: Carol Kitchen, Mary Beth, Randy Dunn, Cindy______ (remotely)

Melinda, Stan, Brad, and Mary Beth all helped reposition the tables.  It's very possible the "V" design used for years will be kept at the "U" design longterm and not just for Toastmaster meetings.

Highlights from the officers’ April meeting:

We discussed: The transition to Pardee; Two members qualifying for awards; The storage area for our TM supplies; The placement of our banner and the easel sign.
Judy will send Mary Beth the article announcing our FSTM partnership with Pardee. Mary Beth will
arrange for someone at Pardee to get the article to the newspapers.
We  how to rearrange the room to make it more accessible for the speakers and comfortable for audience.  We have 21 members at this time.  We discussed points needed to receive President’s Distinguished Award and how many we have now.  Officers signed a card to Lake Pointe to thank them for their hospitality.  Other members will be asked to sign next Friday.



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