Spring Fever at FSTM!

The tag team of Judy Groff and Don Groff presented a  “Suitcase Ready Boutique Home.”
Betty McCallister, Toastmaster of the day, told the audience facts about spring and urged them to catch spring fever.  Joke Master Susann Swan told the humorous story about Dr. Gross, the feisty (word of the day) dentist.

The Groff's presentation brought to life their adventure of finding a place to live in Hendersonville and how they used their garage as a retreat while their home was being built.  As they lived in a smaller space, they developed the idea of building smaller homes to help individuals and families get started with home ownership.  Their presentation included photos of two of three boutique homes that they built in Brevard to meet a housing need.    The speech was followed by a question and answer period with the audience.

Toastmaster Betty relinquished control to Table topics Master, Jeanne Resen.  She described how she needed to develop questions to ask while she and her husband were lounging outdoors.  He handed her a block of wood on which to write the questions.  The block of wood drove the topics this morning.

Sally spoke of the change in time to daylight savings being more of an issue for her than the advent of spring.  Melinda spoke about personal physical or psychological signs that tell her that spring is on its way.

Amy was asked to comment on the four seasons, what she likes about them, and to list a favorite season. She spoke about what memories each season brings to her and did not have a favorite season.
Joseph was asked what spring mean to him?  He told of running away from home at the age of six to explore the world and how he gets fired up in the spring.

Melinda gave the evaluation of the Groffs’ speech.  She praised their ability to prepare a speech on a short notice.  Her grow suggestion was to review their slides before doing the presentation.

The eyes and ears team gave its report: Word Master, Amy Sahf;  Grammarian, Susann Swan; Ah Counter, Sally Jones; Timer: Michael Thompson.

Stan gave a general evaluation of the meeting.  He cited what went well and praised new member, Joseph, on his table topic.  He liked Jeanne’s use of the block of wood for impromptu TT questions, and he gave appreciation to members filling in roles at the last minute.
Stan made a number of constructive suggestions to club members in general, such as the following:
  • Remember to speak louder when the air conditioning comes on.  
  • Give the table topics question first, then call on someone, in order to give the TT speaker a little extra time to prepare his/her remarks and have members begin preparing in their own minds their approach to the topic before a speaker is designated.
  • Don’t call on speech evaluators for table topics, because the evaluator is working during the meeting to prepare his/her comments to the speaker.  

Stan also suggested some members might benefit in attending a 9 am Saturday meeting at Earth Fare at Asheville's Westgate headed by noted speaker and author, Brian Woolf.  He said the speaker is extremely well versed about evaluations in general and would be good to learn from.
Stan also gave a prize to member who had paid dues and offered a chance to choose someone to answer a table topic of Stan’s choosing.  Don Emon won his choice of a prize (an Indian head penny) and answered the table topic question about what habit he’d like to break.   He replied talking about the chemo sessions that he’s undergone and wants to break the habit of needing strong chemo so he can transition to maintenance dosages.

Members present:  Michael Thompson, Joseph Girmann, Stan Coss, Betty McCallister, Susann Swan
Melinda Lowrance, Judy Groff, Don Groff, Don Emon, Sally Jones, Jeanne Resen, Amy Sahf,
Guest:  Vicky Balson


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