Covering the Bases

Sally Jones presided over our meeting and let the Toastmaster warmth work its magic inside while
the cold, icy sort of day outside had county schools delayed.
Jeanne Resen enacted a killer parrot joke for our entertainment before the main speakers.
Don Emon gave a speech entitled, “How to Become a Poet,” which was accompanied by handouts to the audience
by his faithful assistant and wife, Deanne.  Don gave the audience a formula from which to write
a poem. One of the handouts was his latest Valentine’s Day poem to Deanne. Don analyzed his poem for
the audience, using his formula. (It really is a simple means to start and refine a poem. Give it a try!)
Judy Groff’s speech, titled “Oh the places we'll go”  started with the opening of Dr. Seuss's book of the same
name.   Her speech is designed to inspire the audience about overcoming fear and developing a team to be
successful.  She described her own struggle with managing MS. Judy hopes to enter this speech in the TM
international speech competition.
Betty McCallister evaluated Judy’s speech while remembering some of Judy’s prior speeches on this topic.
She complimented Judy on her unique introduction from Dr. Seuss to the body of her speech.
Susann Swan ran the table topics using the metaphor of a cross between slow pitch softball and the "Let’s Make
a Deal" TV show.  She asked for volunteers to speak and gave them a choice of which question behind which
“door” they wanted to answer:
Don Groff answered the question about what he would do if money were no object and he couldn’t fail to share
his dream of becoming a professional athlete.
Guest Joseph Giermann answered the question about describing a favorite job or project to tell the audience
about his current plans to start an investment firm.
Guest Deanne Emon answered her question about the meaning of life, describing her personal code for living,
her husband’s discussions with others on the topic, and invited the audience to ponder their own answer
to the question.
Melinda Lowrance was asked which three people she would invite to a dinner party.  She chose Barack
and Michelle Obama and President Trump, to eat and find the things they had in common over a sumptuous
Southern dinner.

The Eyes and Ears team provided their reports to the members.  Stan Coss was the timer and Don Groff served
as the ah counter.
Karen Alexander provided the general evaluation of the meeting and the table topics.  She cited how well the
meeting came together, despite some absences of members who couldn’t serve in their roles for this meeting.
 She praised the creativity of the approach to the table topics and encouraged members, as a grow, to use up
more of the stage when they speak.

Members present: Sally Jones, Don Groff, Don Emon, Betty McAllister, Stan Coss, Melinda Lowrance, Karen Alexander, Jeanne Resen, Judy Groff, and Susann Swan.
Guests attending: Deanne Emon, Joseph Giermann, and Jim Jones.


  1. My son directed this at his 15-year-old sister as one of three stanzas composed using Don Emon's simple technique:

    A monster roams free in my house,
    Power imbalance, game of cat and mouse.
    The creature believes it's top of the food chain,
    Although weak, it's caused me much pain.


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