Be My Secret Valentine!

Susann Swan debuted as Toastmaster of the Day.  She gave us the history of Valentine’s Day and how it is celebrated around the world.  She also discussed the commercial aspect of it with examples from the Godiva Chocolate Company.   In closing, she invited the attendees to consider sending a valentine to someone who may not receive one tomorrow.   Music, chocolates, and blank valentine cards were a part of the meeting as well.  Don Groff had the audience in laughter with his watermelon joke to set the tone of the meeting.

Ron Climer delivered his speech, “Bigger Than Life,” about knowing his father, who died when Ron was two, by his family‘s colorful stories about him.  Stan Coss delivered the second speech of the meeting,”The Neglected Art of Compromise”, offering examples from his personal life and Daniel Webster and Humpty Dumpty to help resolve our nation’s political stalemates.

Following the two main speeches, Michael Thompson shared a mentoring moment about his speech last week to the Chamber of Commerce, which he had practiced in front of our club.   Michael was also informed that he was to be the emcee for this meeting.  Fortunately, his experience as a Toastmaster of the Day assisted in him performing this role well.  Karla Reese served as Table Topics master, offering her questions on heart shaped paper to the members below.

Melinda Lowrance described how she would invent a fun holiday called Melindy Sings.  Jeanne Resen told us why ”It’s a Wonderful Life” is her favorite love story movie.

Karen Alexander spoke about her love for James Taylor’s music.  Susann Swan explained why she wears her heart on her sleeve.  Sally Jones described special valentines for teachers.

Judy Groff evaluated Ron’s speech, highlighting his animated delivery, and inviting him to add more depth to the members of his storyteller family.  Margaret Davis evaluated Stan’s speech, complimenting his use of history and wondering at his link with Humpty Dumpty.

The Eyes and Ears team was the following:  Ah Counter- Melinda Lowrance; Grammarian- Betty McAllister; Timer- Don Glovan; Jeanne Resen-Word Master (significant)  Sally Jones did the General and Table Topics evaluation and pronounced the meeting a success.

Members present were the following: Judy Groff, Don Groff, Don Glovan, Don Emon, Margaret Davis, Jeanne Resen, Stan Coss, Ron Climer, Betty McAllister, Susann Swan, Melinda Lowrance, Michael Thompson, Karla Reese, and   Karen Alexander.

For help in identifying the photos or true role players consider the following:  1) Suzanne Somers, Don Rickles: 2) Jonathan Winters who left his audiences in stitches; Andy Griffith who solved disputes peacefully; 3)  Reese Witherspoon; Perry Mason; 4) A young Aretha Franklin; Donna Reed; 5) Carly Simon; the real Susann Swan; Sally Field; 6) Judy Garland; Margaret Thatcher.


  1. Well done Susann, as was your debut as Toastmaster. You add a special delight to our club! I'm so glad you found us. Thanks for all you contribute. Karen.

  2. These below comments members emailed me. You can post your own comment if you have a gmail account/email address:

    The blog is a highlight of my week!
    Susann does such a wonderful job-I look forward to her report each week. (Don Groff)

    Wow, in lieu of a cameraperson, inviting the celebrities was ingenious. It is obvious that Suzann put her "heart" (she even wore it on her sleeve) into making this meeting stimulating and fun.

    The historic facts and how Valentine's Day is celebrated around the world is an example of how we learn new things at each Toastmaster's meeting and a reason why I love Toastmasters, especially the Four Seasons Club..

    The encouragement from our Toastmaster, Susann to give a Valentine card to someone who might not get was kind and thoughtful. I am proud to be a member of the Hendersonville Toastmaster's club. (Margaret Davis)


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