We are making a transition with the officer that is to act as the interim secretary. In lieu of minutes, here's the agenda. The only addition is that Ron Climer filled in as the grammarian.
The Thanksgiving rendition of our Toastmaster meeting was both uplifting and enlightening. (And we were especially Thankful for two guests.) Betty McCallister was Toastmaster. Ivan Beggs was the speaker, and Table Topics focused on Thanksgiving traditions and favorites. Ivan’s speech title was “Preparation and Practice”. This was a speech crafted from materials in the Better Speaker Series. Ivan had excellent tips and strategies for delivering a winning speech every time we have the opportunity. He pointed out that after selecting, researching, crafting and practicing our speech, that some of the smallest details can derail us if we have not prepared well. On the practice end of the speech, he recommends six sessions, without notes. If the place is new or the equipment is new to you, do the due diligence necessary to feel comfortable when the time comes to give the speech. The smallest things, like lighting at the lectern or for...
Sally Jones, as Toastmaster, decided to extend her own family vacation by making that the theme. There were scores of images of family vacations at the beach, but that would not have worked with the virtual background that the major speaker used. So, bikes will do here and also call up Dick Miley's favorite topic of cycling. While much of the Apple Festival will be modified or shut down for Labor Day, the Tour d’Apple will continue as one of the events. More is given at the end. Melinda Lowrance was the joke master, and Karen Alexander presented a well-used word of the day, "summer." Stan Coss gave his final speech for the Gold on the old legacy system by focusing on the new delivery system of Pathways. Joining him in the role play of a cold sale scenario, Betty McCallister took the part of an investor on the Shark Tank. Stan pitched the product all members have bought but only a few have bought in to: Pathways. ...
This is the only documentation so far of the July 19th meeting. It is copied and pasted from the online schedule. 19-Jul TOASTMASTER MaryBeth/Karen GREETER Karen JOKE MASTER GRAMMARIAN Caitlin WORD MASTER Jeanne AH COUNTER Carole TIMER Don 1 SPEAKER 1 Randy SPEAKER 2 Susann TABLE TOPICS Master Judy SP EVALUATOR 1 Joseph SP EVALUATOR 2 Sally GENERAL & TT EVAL Theme Vacations
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