Finite and Infinite Games

Brad was our Toastmaster of the Day today as we found ourselves back in our normal meeting space. Thanks to our two guests for being with us today, Molly Garnett returning for a second time and Michael's guest Brianna. 

The theme Brad chose was Finite and Infinite Games with a focus on Play, and the word of the day was "Misinformation", which was woven in by speakers throughout the meeting. Thanks to Brad for gifts of holiday eye glasses and candy as part of the meeting.

After hearing a well-delivered joke about jokes from Ron, we heard from our first speaker of the day, Stanley. Stanley is working on his Evaluation and Feedback Project, and he gave a wonderful speech on the importance of gratitude including sharing his own personal transformation with learning how to incorporate it into his life.

Our second speaker was Stan. His speech was titled "Some Dreams You Just Let Go For a Time". It was the Storytelling Advanced Manual speech, and he told how the dreams of his life intersected over the course of his life. 

The Table Topics were led by Ron who kept the group on their toes with an array of topics ranging from profound to silly. Questions included "Who would you consider to be heroes?", "How do you find tranquility?", and "Why do you think there are plates under our chairs?" Table Topics participants today were Nathan, Melinda, Michael, Karla, Don 1, and Jeanne. 

Our speech evaluators were Amy and Betty. Our Eyes and Ears Team included Nathan as Grammarian, Michael as Word Master, Susann as Timer, and Melinda as Ah Counter. And Judy wrapped our meeting in Double Duty fashion as our General Evaluator and President, reminding us about our upcoming Christmas party.

In Attendance: Nathan Garnett (and guest Molly Garnett), Susann Swan, Jeanne Resen, Don Emon, Ron Climer, Stanley Yurst, Don 1 Groff, Stan Coss, Betty McCallister, Brad Dienst, Michael Thompson (and guest Brianna), Judy Groff, Amy Sahf, Karla Reese,  and Melinda Lowrance.

Thanks everyone for an excellent meeting!


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