Sugar Treats: Eat Them Responsibly

Happy Halloween from Four Seasons Toastmasters! 

Nathan led our meeting this morning and chose the topic Sugar, calling it the True Spirit of Halloween. Throughout the meeting, he shared memories of trick or treating as a child and gave the groups some facts and advice on sweet treats.
Ron then introduced our Word of the Day, Nefarious, meaning wicked, and then shared his unique sense of humor with us by filling in as Joke master.

We had two speakers today, Melinda and Amy. Melinda ran with the theme of the day and, with a sense of light-heartedness and nostalgia, shared some of her memories of being a kid at Halloween. She was later evaluated by Don Groff. Amy, our social media guru, then gave us an excellent overview of social media in her Mentoring Moment and encouraged our club to be more active on platforms such as Facebook as a way to keep the community informed of what Toastmasters is and what we're up to. 

Our Table Topics, led by Karla, were also theme-based, and we got to hear seven of our members give impromptu speeches. Speech topics included: "What is your guilty pleasure sweet treat?" and "Do you think sugar overall is a good thing or bad thing?"

We then heard meeting reports from our Eyes and Ears Team. Karen as Grammarian, Michael as Timer, Sally as Ah Counter, and Ron as Word Master. Stan wrapped up our meeting as General Evaluator and gave the group some good "grows" including making sure the speakers' speech information is printed in the agenda so members can get a better grasp on what some of the new Pathways projects entail. 

It was good to see Ruthie again as our honored guest and have her join our club as a member. Thanks, Ruthie, for being willing to participate in our Table Topics! Next week, our club will become famous as our meeting will be video recorded by a local English teacher to be used as part of an international English-speaking curriculum.  

Table Topics Master Karla Reese prompted all her participants in talking about 
Halloween treats or tricks.

Ron is the go-to person when you need a lively joke to be told.



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