Early Winter Theme

We're featuring another member of our club this week as part of our Member of the Week series. Jeanne Resen joined Toastmasters back in 2007 in West Palm Beach, FL. She was in a transitional point in life and was looking for some new things to do, so she decided to join the organization. She wasn't quite sure what she was going to get out of it, but she says it has enriched her life by being a source of friendships and has given her a platform for self-expression. Jeanne has been an actress for 18 years and enjoys speaking about the theater as one of her topics. Jeanne O'Connor, as she's known in the theater world, will be performing in a play called Deathtrap this weekend and the following two weekends at the Brevard Little Theater. She will be portraying a ditzy, Dutch psychic, so go see her if you have the chance!

Today's first speaker was Jeanne who currently serves as our VP of membership. Her speech was on how and why we should increase our club membership here at Four Seasons.

The theme of our meeting today, brought to you by Don Glovan, was Early Winter. The word of the day, brought to you by Amy, was Brio - a noun meaning vigor. 

 Sally was our second speaker and shared a speech called "The Hero and the Peach." Both entertaining and informative, Sally shared with us page out of her own family history book about her great, great, great, great, great grandfather. 

Our speech evaluators today were Don E and Betty.

Hoyt led our table topics today. Michael, Ruthie (guest), Stan, Melinda and Don 1 were all called on for impromptu speeches about things like favorite Autumn foods, how you adjust your wardrobe, and what you enjoy most about the transition to winter.

Honored guest, Ruthie Rosauer, was caught off guard by a Table Topics question.  It's the old "bait and switch."  She volunteered to go second, thinking the prompt would be the same as for the first speaker.  It was not, but she still delivered.

Stan is apparently the only person in WNC who doesn't like leaves

Thanks to our Eyes and Ears Team for a smooth meeting. Our Timer today was Susann, our Grammarian was Stan, our Wordmaster was Amy, and our Ah Counter was Brad.

Our General and Table Topic Evaluator was Nathan.

Thanks to Ruthie Rosauer for visiting with us today, and we hope you come back.

Melinda Lowrance said she would bring a basket to collect any cash donations for the Interfaith Assistance Ministry next week.  IAM was the hosting facility for the successful speech contest over the weekend.  Judy Groff as president said our club would match any total donations up to $25.  Beyond that you are on your own.

In attendance: Melinda, Sally, Judy, Nathan, Jeanne, Don E, Hoyt, Stan, Don 2, Amy, Don 1, Betty, Michael, Susann, Brad


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