Staying Positive

Today, we were privileged to see two of our newest members give their first speeches. Amy and Michael both gave their Ice Breaker speeches which is a way to formally introduce yourself to the group, and both did excellent jobs.

Amy's speech was a moving one titled "Performing for a Different Audience," and she talked about her life of performing: Piano, Dance, Magician's Assistant, Her Children, Her Customers, and Her Fellow Toastmasters. Amy was later evaluated by Brad who described her speech as picturesque and gave her glows such as word choice and evoking emotion as well as grows such as trying to get more comfortable speaking away from the lectern.

Michael's speech was biographical in nature as he discussed being a fifth generation Henderson County resident, his family's business Piggy's where everyone in the family is involved, his work as an attorney at Van Winkle Law Firm, and his newest venture being the Chairman for the Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce. He'll be speaking at the Chamber annual gala around the first of the year, and he hopes Toastmasters will help prepare him for that as well as give him more confidence in general as a public speaker. Michael was evaluated by Betty who described his speech as feeling as if she was given a big hug of southern hospitality. Glows included appearing relaxed on stage, and grows included developing more energy over time.

The meeting was led by Melinda who chose "Staying Positive" as the theme. The word of the day was Gregarious, which means sociable or warm. In a humorous way to help the group remember to use the word and what it meant, Melinda told the group that she is in fact a gregarious person.

Our Table Topics, led my Melissa, were all about giving our best advice to people. She asked questions such as: If You Could Teach Something, What Would It Be?; If You Could Recommend One Book, What Would it Be and Why?; and If You Could Leave One Message for the World, What Would it Be? Members who were called on to give 1-2 minute impromptu speeches on these questions were Don 1, Nathan, Stan, Hoyt, Sally, and John. 

Our Joke Master of the Day was Jeanne who managed to pull out an enormous set of laughs from the audience. Our Word Master and Timer role were both filled by Stanley, Ah Counter was Sally, Grammarian was Nathan, and our General Evaluator was Don 1.

Thanks to all who attended: Melinda, Melissa, Jeanne, Amy, Nathan, Brad, Michael, John, Sally, Judy, Don 1, Stanley, Betty, Stan, Hoyt


  1. I really enjoyed learning more about Amy Michael. Well done! Good job Melinda too. Thanks for the excellent report Nathan.


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