Seeking a Vision of Membership

Toastmaster Sally Jones ran a tightly scheduled meeting today. We had guest Stanley Yurth return! After the customary opening by Sergeant at Arms, Don Groff conducting the pledge, 

Toastmaster Sally called Don back as Chair of the Nominating Committee. The slate he presented is as follows: President, Judy Groff; VP Education, Sally Jones; VP Membership. Jeanne Resen; VP Public Relations, Karla Reese; Secretary, Nathan Garnett; Treasurer, Stan Coss; Sergeant at Arms, Melinda Lowrance. President, Carol Walters asked for nominations from the floor. Being none, she asked for a motion to accept the slate as presented. Betty McCallister so moved and Stan seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed.

Toastmaster and VP Education, Sally, called Brad forward to receive recognition for prevailing in completing the Competent Communicator Award requirements. She presented him with a certificate acknowledging this accomplishment.

Don Glovan got us started with the regular meeting with a joke. The Evaluation Team was Karla Reese as Grammarian and Word Master, Don Groff as Timer, Melinda Lowrance as Ah Counter. 

Speaker 2, Don Glovan presented his speech first. It was titled Auto Racing. Don spoke authoritatively and enthusiastically about auto drag racing giving us a history of how it started and what makes these cars so powerful and different from the cars we normally drive on the road. In the evaluation of his speech, Stan Coss suggested as a grow to draw the listener into the speech early by referencing his personal experience with the subject.

Speaker 1, Jeanne Resen, spoke on Visionary Leadership. She talked about how the vision drives the focus and energy of the organization by stating clearly and simply where the organization is going and how it will get there. She emphasized that the important element of the visioning process is total buy-in of goals through participation by the members in the process. Judy Groff, who evaluated Jeanne’s speech, applauded Jeanne for her timely presentation as we are starting the new year. Judy’s “grow” suggestion was to improve visuals by using fewer items on a screen and making the type larger.

Nathan Garnett was short on time for Table Topics but had two excellent responses from Melinda Lowrance and Don Groff on prompts with a cultural focus.

Brad Deinst finished the meeting with a short but comprehensive evaluation of the meeting.

Installation of the new officers will be next week. 

Brand new member Stanley Yurth assists Jeanne Resen in readying her Power point presentation.  Brad Dienst is presented his Competent Communicator certificate after a challenging process of verified, substantive evaluations.  Recognizing "Grows and Glows" makes a speaker more healthy and wise.  Wealthy we're not so sure. . . .


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