Votemasters, Take Charge!

We were called the Four Seasons Votemasters by Nathan Garnett as he took charge as Toastmaster of the May 2nd meeting.  Taking on the theme of elections, he told us a bit of his campaign strategy as he ran in the fall elections in Mills River.  He said he ran a $35 campaign in his bid to make personal contacts and not spending money his priority.  Probity was Hoyt Griffith's  word of the day, a word meaning integrity, a high moral standard.  Hoyt was also grammarian, Don Groff was ah-counter, and Don Glovan was timer.

Carol Walters was the first speaker, optimizing on her project from the Entertaining Speech manual with interesting stories submitted by other Delta Kappa Gamma members.  These included an escape by baby snakes in the classroom and kindergartener questions about pregnancy and death.

Melinda Lowrance gave her speech as a revised version of her last speech that highlighted quotes from Sojourner Truth.  In Pathways the assignment is to get feedback for one speech, revise it, and then give it again.  This time Melinda gave us a brief biography of Mrs. Truth that demonstrated how she was an advocate for women's rights and mistreated people.

Jackie Branscum was able to prompt five table topic speakers on the theme of elections.  Various aspects were covered, but two of the speakers both advocated for term limits.

Sally Jones evaluated Carol's speech and Betty evaluated Melinda's.  Each gave many encouraging glows but also managed to tell of opportunities to grow.  Stan Coss gave a general evaluation of the meeting and the evaluators but only recognized afterwards that he'd neglected to compliment Nathan for a strong premiere in toastmastering.

Be on the lookout for a special blog issue AND website addition ( )  on this week's district conference in Charlotte. Stan and Nathan will both be eager audience members for the table topic and the inspirational speech contests.


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