Some May Mentoring

Brad Deinst was Toastmaster for today’s meeting. He chose Unforgettable Mentors as the theme. After Sergeant at Arms, Don Groff called us to order, President Carol Walters welcomed everyone. We had a guest, Michael Thompson, a Lawyer with the Van Winkle Law Firm.

Joke Master Hoyt Griffith told two really good jokes about mentors. Then Toastmaster Brad gave us some mentoring insights about who some famous people had as mentors. 

The Eyes and Ears Team were Judy Groff, Ah counter; Jackie Branscum, Timer; Don Groff, Grammarian and Word Master.

Stan Coss was Speaker 1 with “Chloe Goes Round and Round”. This was an inspirational speech about their daughter Chloe’s journey into, out of and back into their Foster home when she was an infant through about age two. 

Brad gave another Mentoring Insight before introducing Nathan Garnett as Speaker 2. Nathan is working out of Pathways on a two part speech. This first one is the “rough draft” for the second speech. His title was “Strike While the Iron’s Hot”. The content was about the North Carolina Teacher’s Strike happening today in Raleigh.

Sally Jones did Table Topics around the theme of Unforgettable Mentors. Hoyt and Jeanne both responded to the prompts and the group provided evaluation.

Betty McCallister evaluated Stan’s speech and Jackie evaluated Nathan’s speech. Both had glows and grows for the speakers to consider. Judy Groff was general evaluator.

Nathan and Stan both wore T-shirts as visual aids for their speeches; Nathan had "Red for Ed" designed by his wife and educator, Jennifer; Stan had an "I Love Chloe" title for artwork Chloe made at school.

Betty is promoting our club before a new member prospect.  We need four more members to make the "distinguished" club status we've carried for the last 12 years.


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