Fun, Delightful, Fun!

Toastmasters prepare for the fun of the day, a TM meeting.  Jackie Branscum was Toastmaster and sent everyone the theme of “Fun” prior to the meeting. She assigned us to reflect on fun things we did as children and do now as adults. She used this theme effectively throughout the meeting.

Don Groff, Sergeant at Arms opened the meeting with the pledges. President Carol Walters wasted no time introducing Toastmaster Jackie. The evaluation team were: Timer, Don Groff; Ah Counter, Hoyt Griffith, Grammarian, Stan Coss, with "delightful" as word of the day.

Don Groff also served as Joke Master, getting the group warmed up. Sally Jones spoke from the High Performance Leadership Manual doing a project that will help her achieve the Competent Silver Award. She spoke about “Sowing Seeds” which is an outreach mission project she adopted after researching a need for collecting used church literature to send to needy countries around the world.

Betty McCallister did a Mentoring Moment about the “Stand Up Stand Out" workshop opportunity we are planning with the Chamber of Commerce. The event is scheduled now for Thursday, June 7 from 9-11:00 AM.

Carol Walters did the Table Topics portion of the meeting and asked members to recount a fun activity they remember doing as a child. Stan told about collecting lightening bugs in glass Mason jars; Melinda told about walking up and hanging out with friends at Jump Off Rock; Brad informed us about how he got captured into the world of magic; Nathan spoke about the lifelong joy of running, especially the thrill of racing.

Judy Groff evaluated the Table Topics participants and Nathan concluded with a General Evaluation. At the end, Toastmaster Jackie had enough time to solicit a quick fun pastime we each do as adults.

Three members-- Betty, Nathan, and Stan-- went to the district conference and the top three speakers are described in the previous log.  The top winner is summed up under the club history/club contest tab on the club site,  .

Jokemaster Don Groff tells how the golfmaster avoids being struck by lightning using the One Iron.  Toastmaster Jackie Branscum introduces Sally to sow seeds of a ministry.


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