Toastmasters Awards Day

After the opening and pledge of allegiance by Don Groff, Sergeant at Arms, President Carol Walters introduced Toastmaster Sally Jones. Don Groff gave a joke about a nun. Since Sally is VP Education, she conducted a brief Awards Ceremony. The following Toastmaster members were recognized for the following accomplishments:

  • Don Groff - Competent Communicator
  • Carol Walters - Competent Leader
  • Stan Coss - Advanced Communicator Bronze
  • Betty McCallister - Advanced Communicator Silver
  • Ivan Beggs - Advanced Communicator Silver
  • Brad Deinst - Competent Communicator
  • Sally Jones - Advanced Communicator Silver

The Evaluation Team for the meeting were Judy Groff, Grammarian, Stan Coss, Word Master, Don Glover and Nathan Garnett shadowing as Timer, and Hoyt Griffith as Ah Counter. The word of the day was SOAR.

Jackie Branscum did project #6 from the Competent Communicator manual. "Less is More" was her title about getting rid of clutter and stuff one space at the time. Jackie gave us tips to be efficient and suggested places to take unwanted electronics. She told us about a paper shredder being available on May 11 at Jackson Park and about safe medicines disposal options.

Ron Climer did the speech he will do Saturday for the International Speech Contest representing the club. His title was "Tales from the Swamp." He gave us a true and very inspirational personal story. 

Brad Deinst had an unusual Table Topics using speeches from A to Z. Carol  had to read a John Kennedy excerpt and Karla did one from Mark Antony, who really hails from Etowah, NC. It was a fun time.

Karla evaluated Jackie’s speech and Jeanne Resin evaluated Ron’s speech. Betty covered ll bases with her General Evaluation of the meeting. 

The award recipients are listed above.  Below are two of the speech evaluators, Karla and Jeanne, 
then the joke master, Don #1,
and the table topics master, Brad.


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