Speaking with Humor Adds Bliss

      We were short on members today as several were out of town, but we were big on Toastmasters as we TM Jackie assisting TM Melinda.  The Saturday prior we'd had 10 members participate as speakers, role-takers, or audience members at the area contest at Habitat for Humanity in Asheville.  (More details are at   fourseasonstoastmasters.com  .)
     "Bliss" was the word of the day described in a triad by word master Carol.  The triad is, of course, a set of three details that amplify a meaning in a momentous, pleasing way.  Co-Toastmaster Melinda Lowrance transitioned from Carol to say it was blissful to be in a meeting of Toastmasters.
       Jackie Branscum presented the joke in a first class sort of way.  Ron Climer's speech resounded with laughs, as it was titled "Put some Humor in your Presentations."  Two tips Ron gave were that you can always make fun of yourself and you can always blame someone else if the joke doesn't initially draw a hearty response.
       Brad Dienst spoke on "The Genesis of my Bright Knight." This was from the advanced storytelling manual.  On a visit from his boyhood he was at Carlsbad Caverns when he felt an object of sliminess that seemed to have grown on the side of his head.  Dr. Stan Dienst had tricked him with a rubber vampire bat from the gift shop.  (Can you imagine former Toastmaster Dr. Stan doing that?!)
       Sally Jones led table topics with some openers to a story each participant was to embellish.  Guest Arlene took charge in her proclamation that, when it came to fashion, men were "constricted" and women were more expressive.  She demonstrated by saying women "can boot or not boot."
       Betty McCallister and Nathan Garnett were speech evaluators, Hoyt Griffith was timer, Stan Coss was grammarian and ah-counter, and Jackie was GE.  Jackie tells her joke in the only photo of the meeting below, as our prolific photographer and reporter, Judy Groff, was out of town.


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