April Showers

A veteran and a newbie were featured speakers for the meeting. Sally Jones, Toastmaster, chose to use “April Showers Bring May Flowers” as the theme of the meeting. After an opening thought by Don Groff, Sergeant at Arms, and Pledge of Allegiance, President Carol Walters introduced VP Membership, Betty McCallister to induct our newest member, Jeanne Resen.

Hoyt Griffith told a very funny joke as Jokester on salt water from the beach. The evaluation team members were the following: Grammarian, Karla Reese; Word Master, Don Groff; Timer, Don Groff; Ah Counter, Melinda Lowrance. Word of the Day was “Itinerant” which means traveling from place to place, like migrant workers.

Speaker #1 was Nathan Garnett doing his second speech from Pathways. His project was to research a topic and prepare a speech accordingly. He chose insurance and gave us the knowledge he collected very creatively using a poem he wrote. He covered the history and reasons why insurance will be around a long, long time.

Speaker #2 was Ron Climer doing a speech on "Bigger Vocabulary, Bigger Opportunity." His message was that words are important and reflect our intelligence. He noted that our use of Word of the Day is a great example of a way to learn new words and use them correctly. 

Sally filled in for Brad doing Table Topics. She stumped us with her phrases or quotes from around the world. Karla, Jeanne, and Hoyt handled them well though.

Judy Groff evaluated Nathan suggesting more intentional gestures and movement. Stan Coss evaluated Ron and mentioned that for his project the manual specified he could take 20-40 minutes. Betty McCallister did the general evaluation and the meeting concluded on time.

Jeanne Resen is inducted as a new Toastmaster into FSTM.  Nathan Garnett surprises his audience by launching into a poetic journey from the first insurers into the present day insurance.


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