Bring on Springtime!

After Don Groff, Sergeant at Arms, did the opening Pledge of Allegiance , Carol Walters, President, introduced Judy Groff as Toastmaster. Judy chose “Bring on Springtime!” as the theme. She noted it is also Pi Day, which notes the significance of math in our daily lives.

First on the agenda Judy introduced Betty McCallister, VP Membership, to conduct the Induction of New Members Ceremony. We voted to induct Nathan Garnett and Melinda Lowrance as new members.  (Jeanne Resen's induction will come soon; she could not join us today due to the weather.)

Following the ceremony Nathan gave us a joke as Jokester. Judy then introduced the Evaluation Team of Don Groff, Timer with Nathan shadowing him; Don Glovan as Ah Counter; Sally Jones, Grammarian and Word Master. Sally presented the Word of the Day as assume.

Judy introduced Stan Coss as Speaker #2. He was doing project 3 from the Advanced Storytelling Manual. He developed this from a TV show called Myth Busters. His title was “Dream BIG but keep Plan B Handy”. 

Judy then introduced Carol Walters, Speaker #2. She did Project #3 from Advance Manual, Speaking to Entertain. Her objective was to entertain us with an account of a personal experience. Her subject was related to a visit to the DMV to get a Real ID.

Hoyt Griffith did Table Topics around the Springtime theme using photos as prompts. Don Groff, Don Glovan, Melinda Lowrance gave very interesting responses to the various pictures presented. Following that, Judy introduced Jackie Branscum to evaluate Stan's speech, then Betty McCallister to evaluate Carol’s speech. 

Brad Deinst gave a thorough and succinct General and Table Topics Evaluation.

(Public schools were on a three-hour delay.  This meant that members that could safely make it in to meet were encouraged to safely do so.  At about 9:00 the school's delay was upgraded to a full cancellation.  Had that cancellation been announced by 7:00, our club would have been cancelled.  Then by 10:30 the sun was out and there was only a slight dusting of snow visible.)

Melinda and Nathan read the Toastmaster pledge as part of the new member induction.  Hoyt leads the table topics with some photos that prompt a response, and Judy leads the meeting as Toastmaster.


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