Learning on Pathways

Toastmaster Sally Jones  welcomed two returning guests, Nathan Garnett and Jeanne Resin. The meeting was totally informational about the new Pathways Program which is going to replace the current educational program. Our official Pathway Guide and guest speaker was Sharon Port, member of Land of Sky Toastmasters and former Area 1 Director.

Sharon gave us an overview of the program, it’s contents and how we can get started. The program is projected to allow more flexibility to members because it is self paced. There are five competencies. Four of the five can be taught and include Public Speaking, Interpersonal Communication, Strategic Leadership, and Management. The fifth competency is Confidence which is a result of the other four being achieved. There are five levels and 59 projects in all. The curriculum is most accessible and available on line. There are numerous tutorials on line that are not available in hard copy format. The hard copy format is available for an added $25 charge.

Recognition is more standardized and quick. Each member will need to take responsibility for providing the appropriate evaluation tool to his evaluator to make this work.  To get started, everybody goes to Base Camp and goes to Navigator. Members take an assessment then several Paths are recommended. The first Path everyone chooses is free. There is a charge of $20 for additional ones.

Regardless of tenure, everyone will do an Icebreaker speech in the beginning. Another deviation from our old program is that the projects in each path must be followed in the order they are given.   Some electives allow flexibility in the 14 projects in each pathway.

We are asked to get started on Base Camp and send Sally, VP Education any questions. She will send them on to Sharon.   fourseasonstoastmasters.com:   Check out club website that under the Pathways heading will have some more information.  Ron Climer and Don Glovan are anxious to hear about Pathways from Sharon Port.


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