Membership VP Betty Welcomes Two New Members!

Toastmaster for the day Sally Jones focused on Presidents since we just celebrated President’s Day. Stan as Table Topics Master did the Valentines topics which time didn’t permit doing last week.The word of the day that Brad Deinst selected was “nimble.”

The Evaluation Team included Brad, also doing Grammarian, Ron Climer (with Nathan Garnett shadowing) doing Ah Counting, Betty McCallister doing Timer.

Speaker #1 was Jackie Branscum. She did the second project from the Competent Communicator Manual on Organizing Your Speech. She motivated us to purge all our STUFF. This is Jackie’s second time doing this manual.

Ivan Beggs did Project #`1 from the Persuasive Speaking Manual. He recruited Sally to be a customer at the Beggs Appliance Store. His goal was to show us how to meet a new customer, read them, and make a sale.

For Table Topics, Stan started with prompts about love of objects before progressing to more complex aspects of love. He got our two new members, Nathan Garnett and Jeanne Reses involved. Karla was back after a brief hiatus so she also got a chance to respond. We were all entertained and informed.

Judy substituted for Melinda in evaluating Ivan’s speech. We did a group evaluation for Jackie. Both of them got excellent “grows” which is hard to do because they are both experienced and polished speakers.  As General Evaluator, Carol Walters critiqued this well-planned meeting.

After the meeting, a planning group headed by Betty and Jackie worked on an organizational plan for the training program we will be offering the Chamber of Commerce soon. They will give a report next week at the meeting.

Check out our club website at  Once spring arrives the word is that we just may be having another social.  Some great ones are captured on the site.

Betty Welcomes Jeanne in the top photo.  Ron is already preparing New Member Nathan as Ah-counter.  Manning the "stop light" is the role awaiting the next shadowing.  "Nimble" Brad greets Melinda who has recently given her ice-breaker speech.


  1. Hey all! The contest for the area is to be Sat., April 7th at the Habitat for Humanity in Asheville, the same place the area humor contest was held last fall. The contest for the division is to be Sat., April 21st at the Heart Center at Memorial Mission, the same place the division humor contest was held last fall. 9-12:00 is the approximate time for each.


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