Last TM Fun and Fellowship of 2017
Some Toastmasters had to go to work or other engagements, but after the regular meeting at LPL, these Toastmasters carried on the last TM fun and fellowship of 2017 at Starbucks.
Jackie and Sally took charge at LPL and planned an unusual, fun meeting. We only had a timer, Don Groff, a speaker, Judy, and the rest was fun in a Group Story and in Table Topics.
Judy did a poem for Project 2 in the advance manual, Interpretive Reading.
She read the classic poem, "The Night Before Christmas" which set the
stage for the rest of the meeting.
For the group story, Jackie just gave the first prompt, which was “Twas the
night before Christmas and ….." Ron picked up the story leaving us in a
Catholic Church for a Christmas Eve service, followed by Betty, Hoyt, Don
Groff, Sally, Don Gloven, Ivan, Jim, Melinda, and ended by Judy. Everyone
contributed to this story which convoluted into multiple situations about a
box of various sizes with lots of presents hidden inside.
Hoyt had some
Christmas themed Table Topics. The quirky twist on this was that each
table topics responder did his 3 minutes one time; received feedback, then
did it again with improvement. That was for everyone who has ever left
Toastmaster thinking, “I should have said this in my table topic response.”
We ended early.
Sally got us prepared for the next meeting on January 3,
2018. Roles were given out as follows: TM, Judy; Sp1 Ivan; Sp2 Don Groff;
EV1 Jackie; EV2 Ron; TT Betty; WM Hoyt; JM Don Gloven; AC Melinda.
For the whole view of our club's procedures and tradition visit our site at

I wasn't there, but I'm believing Judy is reading out the Nice and Naughty list and Betty is on the latter.