TM Brad was nearest the Skelton

Toastmaster Judy Groff was making final comments in wrapping up her part of the post Halloween meeting. As for any speech, the opening and middle of the meeting needed a close. It was 8:53 and TM President Carol was about to take the stage for closing remarks. That's when a skeleton on the wall lit up, waved its arms, and emitted a cheesy little ditty of a laugh.
The Toastmaster being interrupted by the unexpected laughter took everyone by surprise. Was it someone's phone going off? Was it the sergeant-at-arms given a premature signal to wrap up the meeting? No, it was a skeleton on the side wall. Members didn't know to join in the laughter or to try ignoring the distraction. Judy paused briefly as the laughter died down, from the skeleton and from the audience. She nonchalantly came to the close, with Carol giving final comments.
Only after the meeting was it discovered that this skeleton was a clap on-clap off skeleton, with clapping activating the skeleton's lights, waves, and cheesy laugh. The heartiest clapping had come after Don Groff's wonderful speech about "The Touchdown That Didn't Count." But the skeleton did not light up or wave or laugh. So, who or what set off the skeleton?!  (Stan)


  1. These summaries were begun at the collective suggestion of Sally Jones and Carol Walters; not all meetings nor all elements but just some highlights. Judy Groff, the secretary since July 2017, began these faithfully in October. At Ron Climer’s suggestion these were moved to a blog and Stan started this up with Judy’s photos and her summary.

    Some clubs have a secretary do minutes that record every detail of who did what so that it is a listing only. The FSTM summaries now record all the basic details but still have the aim of capturing the spirit of the meeting.

    This above was on the club website and was written near the end of Judy's term as secretary and near the beginning of her term as president.


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